| 1. | The fisheries agency says the whales are for scientific research 日本渔业总署说这些鲸鱼是用来做科学研究。 |
| 2. | Japan ' s fisheries agency has challenged its critics to take their cases to the international court of justice in the hague 日本渔民组织不顾外界的谴责将此案交至海牙的国际法庭 |
| 3. | Japan ' s fisheries agency has challenged its critics to take their cases to the international court of justice in the hague 日本渔业部在海牙国际法庭就他们的案例回击了有关评论。 |
| 4. | Japan ' s fisheries agency has challenged its critics to take their cases to the international court of justice in the hague 日本水产部则挑战这一职责,它将把这场官司打到海牙国家法庭去。 |
| 5. | Japan ' s fisheries agency has challenged its critics to take their cases to the international court of justice in the hague 日本渔产业机关还顶着评论把这个官司带到海格国际法庭上要求公正。 |
| 6. | Japan ' s fisheries agency has challenged ( these ) its critics to take their cases to the international court of justice in the ( haik ) hague 日本渔业局顶着批评将此事上报至在海牙的国际法庭。 |
| 7. | Japan ' s fisheries agency has challenged its critics to take their cases to the international court of justice in the hague 日本渔民代表在舆论的压力下把事件闹到了位于海牙的联合国公正法庭。 |
| 8. | Japan ' s fisheries agency has challenged its critics to take their cases to the international court of justice in the hague 日本水产代理已经挑战这一指责,并试图将这场官司达到海牙国际法庭。 |
| 9. | Japan ' s fisheries agency has challenged its critics to take their cases to the international court of justice in the hague 日本的渔业机构就曾对批评家进行过抗议,将他们的案子递交给海牙的国际法院处理。 |
| 10. | Japan ' s fisheries agency has challenged its critics to take their cases to the international court of justice in their hake ( in the hague ) 日本渔业机构已经他们的案子提交至海牙国际法庭,向批评家们表示抗议。 |